Category Archives: News

Band Leadership Conference 2017

This weekend, Iota Pi had the pleasure to host our annual Band Leadership Conference, also known as BLC. Beginning in 2013, this event is put on by our own brothers, who plan, coordinate, and conduct leadership and musicianship workshops at Cal Poly. This year, workshops include topics on constructive criticism and feedback, leading a sectional, time management and goal setting, and marching tips. Workshops are then followed by a reading band, where brothers can play alongside conference attendees. BLC is geared towards high school students in San Luis Obispo County who are musicians aspiring to be leaders. Sarah Wattenberg, this year’s conference chair, stated that this festival’s importance and goal is, “to make music have a positive influence on high schools kids in hopes that they want to continue after high school.” We hope that this conference has been successful in continuing music following their secondary education, and cannot wait to host next year’s conference.

Band Leadership Conference 2016, featuring brothers Alec Marnoch (left) and Noah Scanlan (right). 

Brotherhood Spotlight: Micky Welther

Iota Pi is proud to announce that our current President, Micky “malibu” Welther, has been selected to become the Western District Secretary-Treasurer! She is in her third year at Cal Poly for statistics with a focus on actuarial science and she is the color guard captain in the Mustang Band. Her goal in her new position is to focus on reaching out to connect the district with individual chapters. Micky says that, “officers can bring new ideas to their chapters if they are open to ask questions and gather insight from others … the option to reach out to brothers with the same duties is valuable.” She also wants to generate a comprehensive list of all fundraising projects by all chapters as well as a set of resources for templates of minutes for other serving as Recording Secretary.

Micky currently serves as our chapter President and in the past has served as the chapter Recording Secretary. She shows a consistent enthusiasm for serving the Cal Poly bands and the music community in San Luis Obispo. We are very happy that she will be involved with the district in this way and are excited to see what she will do! Micky is always striving to improve the chapter and we have no doubt that she will continue to help improve Kappa Kappa Psi on a national level.

Brother Spotlight: Max Rosenberg

Whether he’s playing in Cal Poly ensembles or leading musicianship projects for the chapter, Max Rosenberg truly embodies what it means to be a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi. Max recently won the Ideal Active Achievement Award at WDC, and Iota Pi couldn’t be prouder. Max is one of the chairs of the Music Committee, and is always willing to lend a hand to any committee or brother. Max said that “putting care into musicianship and music in the community is why [he] joined KKPsi,” and credits former Music Committee chair Rose Doylemason with inspiring him to lead Music Committee to new heights. As co-chair of the Music Committee, “Max has worked hard to elevate the musicianship of brothers and band members through various activities that educate all of us to strive for a higher level of musicality,” said Teresa Marcial, his grandlittle. “His commitment to a high standard of musical attainment serves as a shining example to the rest of the chapter.”

In addition to contributing to Iota Pi’s activities, Max excels in his academics. He has recently been accepted into the Aerospace Engineering Blended Program which means he will graduate with both his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Cal Poly within five years. Thank you, Max, for your service to Iota Pi, the band program, and for always striving for the highest.

Article by Kellen Fujishin, AΔ

Practicing Clinic

On Sunday, our brothers hosted a clinic on good practicing techniques. Some of the topics covered were how to increase tempo, figuring out rhythms, and good breathing techniques. Sean Gonzales covered brass techniques, Max Rosenberg covered woodwind techniques, and Daniel Humphrey covered percussion techniques.



WDC 2017

This past weekend, some brothers of Iota Pi traveled to Boise, Idaho to attend the annual Western District Convention. Most of our brothers decided to make a road trip out of it!

Along the way, we stopped in Fresno, Granite Bay, and Reno to visit friends and family, and of course to eat!

Once we got to Boise, the convention had our full attention. Some of us participated in workshops and activities, while the rest of us were serving as members of committees such as Nominations, Jurisdiction, and Convention Site committees.

Of course, no Kappa Kappa Psi convention could go by without music! This year, instead of the usual reading band, brothers got to participate in the first Western District Ensemble Clinic. The ensemble was made up of brothers and local high school students who wanted to get a taste of college level musical performance. The clinic was led by D.O.B. Marcellus Brown and Phil Hartman.

Most importantly, we got to make many new friends and see our old friends. We found a new companionship with the Theta chapter (see: TH-TH-TH-THETA), as well as strengthening the bond of the Bromuda Triangle (quadrangle(?)).

Special thanks to the Iota Kappa chapter for putting on a wonderful WDC! AEA and MLITB from the brothers of Iota Pi!

Article by Sean Gonzales, AB

Chapter Founder’s Day

Today marks 25 years since Iota Pi was founded. To celebrate, our friends at the Gamma chapter made their own rendition of one of our Mustang Band cheers:

Thank you for the birthday wishes, Gamma!

Fall 2016 Newsletter

Iota Pi is proud to present our Fall 2016 Newsletter! This edition was put together by brothers Teresa Marcial and Max Rosenberg, with additional help from brothers Micky Welther, Sean Gonzales, Emma Gracyk, and Katelyn Dietz. You can read the newsletter here.

Info Sessions!

Iota Pi held three Info Sessions this past week for Potential Prospective Members (PPMs). Our Vice President, Katelyn Dietz, gave a brief presentation on the fraternity and what it means to be a brother. There was a pretty good turnout overall. We look forward to the rest of recruitment season!
