Difference between revisions of "Bylaws"

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(Section D - Elections)
(Section B - Special Committees)
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###Active members may be undergraduate or graduate students.
###Active members may be undergraduate or graduate students.
###Active members shall maintain a cumulative GPA above 2.0 for undergraduate students and above 3.0 for graduate students, and be considered in good standing with the chapter.
###Active members shall maintain a cumulative GPA above 2.0 for undergraduate students and above 3.0 for graduate students, and be considered in good standing with the chapter.
###In the event that an Active member fails to meet the above requirements, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member.  The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings.
###In the event that an Active member fails to meet the above requirements, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member.  The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings. Refer to Article IV, Section E.
#Inactive Membership
#Inactive Membership
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###Meet all requirements in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.  
###Meet all requirements in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.  
###Have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities related to Active status in the chapter.  
###Have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities related to Active status in the chapter.  
##In the event that an Associate member fails to meet the above requirements, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member. The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings.  
##In the event that an Associate member fails to meet the above requirements, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member. The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings. Refer to Article IV, Section E.
#Conditional Membership
#Conditional Membership
##Conditional members shall:  
##Conditional members shall:  
###Be formerly Active or Associate members who cannot, without undue hardship, continue to meet the requirements for Active or Associate status, respectively.  
###Be formerly Active or Associate members who cannot, without undue hardship, continue to meet the requirements for Active or Associate status, respectively.  
###Have submitted a letter to the Chapter President and Recording Secretary requesting Conditional status and stating the specific reasons for the request. This request shall be proposed to the chapter for approval by a majority vote, and authorized by the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.  
###Have submitted a letter three (3) days prior to making the motion to enter Conditional status to the Chapter President and Recording Secretary requesting Conditional status stating the specific reasons for the request and specifying a time at which conditional status will expire, which should be no later than the end of the academic year. Additionally, a letter to the chapter must be submitted three (3) days prior to the motion being made, though they may withhold certain information provided in the letter to the President and Recording Secretary. This request shall be proposed to the chapter for approval by a majority vote, and authorized by the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.
###At the discretion of the chapter, have the right to attend meetings, observe Ritual, participate in chapter activities, attend District events and/or meetings, and attend National Convention.  
###At the discretion of the chapter, have the right to attend meetings, observe Ritual, participate in chapter activities, attend District events and/or meetings, and attend National Convention.  
###Not vote, hold office, introduce business, or act in the capacity of a new Big Brother.  
###Not vote, hold office, introduce business, or act in the capacity of a new Big Brother.  
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#Guidelines for initiation and membership shall be in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
#Guidelines for initiation and membership shall be in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
#A band member may be offered entry into the Membership Education Program of the Fraternity after the satisfactory completion of one (1) term as a member of the college or university band unless exception is made by the Chapter Sponsor. The prospective member shall be a band member who possesses unusually good character and demonstrates leadership potential.
#A band member may be offered entry into the National Membership Education Program: The Road to Wisdom of the Fraternity after the satisfactory completion of one (1) term as a member of the college or university band unless exception is made by the Chapter Sponsor. The band member shall possess unusually good character and demonstrate leadership potential. (6.503)
#Eligible individuals shall be permitted entry into the Membership Education Program at the request of an Active or Associate member of the Fraternity. A negative vote of twenty-five percent (25%) or five (5) members, whichever is greater, of the eligible voting membership shall be required to prevent a person from entering the Membership Education Program. If a person is rejected on a second ballot in the same meeting, the name shall not be proposed again during the current academic year.
#Eligible individuals shall be permitted entry into the Membership Education Program at the request of an active or associate member of the Fraternity. A negative vote of twenty-five (25) percent or five (5) members, whichever is greater, of the eligible active and associate membership shall be required to prevent a person from entering the Membership Education Program of the Fraternity. If a person is rejected on a second ballot in the same meeting, the name shall not be proposed again during the current academic year. (6.504)
#The process of initial voting shall be as follows:
#The process of initial voting shall be as follows:
##The entire applicant pool will be presented as one motion, the terms and criteria of the voting process will be discussed, then prior to discussion of any applicants, the motion will be divided on an individual basis.
##The entire applicant pool will be presented as one motion, the terms and criteria of the voting process will be discussed, then prior to discussion of any applicants, the motion will be divided on an individual basis.
##Once all initial voting is complete, there will be a time allotted to reconsider any applicants, and once the meeting adjourns the class may not be added to.  
##Once all initial voting is complete, there will be a time allotted to reconsider any applicants, and once the meeting adjourns the class may not be added to.  
#After entry into the Membership Education Program, each membership candidate must receive a favorable majority vote of the eligible voting membership and no more than twenty-five percent (25%) negative vote to continue in the Program. Should a candidate fail to receive the required majority, he/she may receive one reconsideration before the meeting adjourns, after which he/she shall be removed from the Membership Education Program if a favorable majority vote is not received.  
#After entry into the Membership Education Program, each membership candidate must receive a majority vote of the eligible voting membership and no more than twenty-five percent (25%) negative vote to continue in the Program. If a candidate is rejected on a first ballot, they may only receive one reconsideration. Such a reconsideration must take place during the same meeting as the first ballot.
#Prior to initiation, each membership candidate must receive a favorable vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the eligible voting membership, and must meet all requirements set forth in the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution. Should a candidate fail to receive the required supermajority, he/she may receive one reconsideration before the meeting adjourns, after which he/she shall be removed from the Membership Education Program if a favorable vote of seventy-five percent (75%) is not received.
#Prior to initiation, the membership candidate must receive a favorable vote of seventy-five (75) percent of the eligible voting membership and pay an initiation fee as determined by the National Chapter (refundable if not initiated) to the Chapter Treasurer. (6.505) If a candidate is rejected on a first ballot, they may only receive one reconsideration. Such a reconsideration must take place during the meeting as the first ballot.
#An Active or Associate member may, at any time, move to remove a membership candidate from the Membership Education Program. A favorable vote of twenty-five percent (25%) of the eligible voting membership shall be required to remove a candidate from the Membership Education Program. If said percentage is achieved, the vote shall be considered final after one reconsideration or at the end of the meeting that the result of the vote is announced, whichever is earlier.
#An Active or Associate member may, at any time, move to remove a membership candidate from the Membership Education Program. A favorable vote of twenty-five percent (25%) of the eligible voting membership shall be required to remove a candidate from the Membership Education Program. If said percentage is achieved, the vote shall be considered final after one reconsideration or at the end of the meeting that the result of the vote is announced, whichever is earlier.
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#Attendance Policy
#Attendance Policy
##All Active and Associate members are required to attend all general meetings, regularly scheduled meetings of the committee(s) to which they are assigned, Rituals, Retreats, district events hosted by the chapter, and any other Kappa Kappa Psi event specifically decided upon by the chapter as being mandatory events.  
##All Active and Associate members are required to attend all general meetings, regularly scheduled meetings of the committee(s) to which they are assigned, Rituals, Retreats, district events hosted by the chapter, and any other Kappa Kappa Psi event specifically decided upon by the chapter as being mandatory events.  
##In the event that an Active or Associate member is unable to attend any required event on time, it is the responsibility of that member to inform the President and Recording Secretary, and head(s) of the event for the absence  in advance.  
##In the event that an Active or Associate member is unable to attend any required event on time, it is the responsibility of that member to inform the President and Recording Secretary, and head(s) of the event for the absence  in advance. Failure to notify the President and Recording Secretary of the absence at least 24 hours prior to the start of the event (except in case of emergency) shall automatically result in an unexcused absence.
##Tardiness or absence from a committee meeting shall be counted as half of a regular absence.  
##Tardiness or absence from a committee meeting shall be counted as half of a regular absence.  
##Tardiness or leaving prior to to the end of one’s commitment at a required event shall be counted as half of a regular absence.
##Tardiness or leaving prior to to the end of one’s commitment at a required event shall be counted as half of a regular absence.
##Absence or tardiness during Ritual or elections shall be counted as twice the normal amount, with the exception of a special election.  
##Absence or tardiness during Ritual or elections shall be counted as twice the normal amount, with the exception of a special election. If a member leaves prior to the conclusion of an election this shall be counted as one (1) absence, with the exception of a special election.
##Absence from a mandatory chapter event such as district events hosted by our chapter, or any other event voted upon by the chapter or agreed upon by a vote in the Executive Council to require full chapter attendance shall result in two (2) absences on the first day the brother misses the event, followed by one (1) additional absence for each additional day missed (provided the event exceeds one (1) day). Any excused absences for those events must be addressed by a specified time indicated by the head(s) of the event, except in emergency situations.
##Absence from a mandatory chapter event such as district events hosted by our chapter, or any other event voted upon by the chapter or agreed upon by a vote in the Executive Council to require full chapter attendance shall result in two (2) absences on the first day the brother misses the event, followed by one (1) additional absence for each additional day missed. Any excused absences for those events must be addressed by a specified time indicated by the head(s) of the event, except in emergency situations.
##If a member misses, or is tardy to more than one required event in a single day, he/she shall only accumulate the amount of absences for the single event that is worth the greatest number of absences.
##If a member misses, or is tardy to more than one required event in a single day, they shall only accumulate the amount of absences for the single event that is worth the greatest number of absences.  
##If a member leaves prior to the conclusion of an election, this shall be counted as one (1) absence, with the exception of a special election.
##The President and Recording Secretary shall review each absence and decide if the absence is excused or unexcused. If the Recording Secretary and the President cannot reach a consensus, the issue shall go to the chapter for discussion a vote.
##The President and Recording Secretary shall review each absence and decide if the absence is excused or unexcused. If the Recording Secretary and the President cannot reach a consensus, the issue shall go to the chapter for discussion.
##In the event that an Active or Associate member has three or more unexcused absences in any one quarter, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member at the conclusion of the quarter. The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings.
##Failure to notify the President and Recording Secretary of the absence in advance (except in case of emergency) shall automatically result in an unexcused absence.  
##In the event that an Active or Associate member has three or more unexcused absences in any one quarter, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member. The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings.
=== Section G - Risk Management ===
=== Section G - Risk Management ===
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=== Section B - Elected Officers ===
=== Section B - Elected Officers ===
#The elected officers of the chapter, known as the Executive Council, shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Correspondence Secretary, Historian and Alumni Secretary.  
#The elected officers of the chapter, known as the Executive Council, shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian-ARO.  
#Duties of officers shall be defined as per the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.  
#Duties of officers shall be defined as per the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.  
#All officers must maintain and update a Handbook for their respective office.  
#All officers must maintain and update a Handbook for their respective office.  
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###Meet regularly with the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.  
###Meet regularly with the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.  
###Address any conflicts regarding Article IV attendance policies at the end of each quarter with the Recording Secretary
###Address any conflicts regarding Article IV attendance policies at the end of each quarter with the Recording Secretary
Act as the chairperson for all general meetings.
###Act as the chairperson for all general meetings.
###Submit articles for each District and National publication and notify the chapter of all publication deadlines.
###Notify the chapter of District and National awards and their application deadlines.
###Hold meetings of the Executive Council and the Leadership Committee as necessary.
#Vice President
#Vice President
###Be responsible for the chapter Member Education Program, including education, training and initiation of all membership candidates.
###Be responsible for the chapter Member Education Program, including education, training and initiation of all membership candidates.
###Be responsible for the chapter Post-Membership Education Program.
###Be responsible for the chapter Continuing-Membership Education Program.
###Be responsible for corresponding and submitting forms to Nationals.
###In the event the Sergeant-at-Arms is not appointed, the Vice President shall be responsible for the participation and execution of the Ritual and for the safekeeping of the Ritual and its secrets.
###In the event the Sergeant-at-Arms is not appointed, the Vice President shall be responsible for the participation and execution of the Ritual and for the safekeeping of the Ritual and its secrets.
###Prepare the Initiate Registration Form and submit it to the President.
#Recording Secretary
#Recording Secretary
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###Create a chapter budget at the beginning of the academic year and maintain it throughout the year.
###Create a chapter budget at the beginning of the academic year and maintain it throughout the year.
###Present an updated budget for approval by the second meeting of every quarter.
###Present an updated budget for approval by the second meeting of every quarter.
###Document all funds spent and collected, and prepare an annual report of chapter financial activity.
###Ensure the chapter follows Article X correctly.
###Ensure the chapter follows Article X correctly.
#Correspondence Secretary
###Communicate with other chapters, including but not limited to holiday greetings, chapter anniversaries, and event promotions.
###Submit articles for each District and National publication and notify the chapter of all publication deadlines.
###Notify the chapter of District and National awards and their application deadlines.
###Keep the Chapter Bulletin Board and event calendar current and timely.
###Coordinate chapter displays for District and National Conventions.
###Maintain any projects and records documenting chapter events and membership.
#Alumni Secretary
###Update the chapter, band and school history documents on our internal and public resources including but not limited to the Google Drive and website.
###Provide information on chapter, band and school history when requested in education, creating projects, and submitting awards that require such knowledge of our past.
###Maintain any existing projects and archive event report sheets, photos, and other chapter documentation to facilitate chapter growth and recollection.
###Collect address and other applicable Alumni information for all members graduating or leaving the university.  
###Collect address and other applicable Alumni information for all members graduating or leaving the university.  
###Supply Alumni information to Kappa Kappa Psi National Headquarters and any Alumni Associations pertinent to Iota Pi.  
###Supply Alumni information to Kappa Kappa Psi National Headquarters and any Alumni Associations pertinent to Iota Pi.  
###Organize a Chapter Alumni Day and promote other Alumni activities.
###Organize a Chapter Alumni Day and promote other Alumni activities.
###Act as the chapter photographer in the absence of an appointed photographer.
=== Section C - Appointed Officers ===
=== Section C - Appointed Officers ===
#Other officers shall be appointed by the Executive Council. They shall be appointed at the beginning of the term and approved by the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.  
#Other officers shall be appointed by the Executive Council. They shall be appointed at the beginning of the term and approved by the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.  
#Web Manager
###Maintain the chapter website and email aliases.  
###Maintain the chapter website and email aliases.
###Convene the Online Resources Committee as necessary.
###Maintain a thorough understanding of the chapter’s governing documents.  
###Maintain a thorough understanding of the chapter’s governing documents.  
###Advise the chapter on matters of parliamentary procedure.
###Advise the chapter on matters of parliamentary procedure.
###Participate as an advisory non-voting member of the Executive Council.
###Tally votes taken by ballot.
###Tally votes taken by ballot.
###Convene the Bylaw Revision Committee as necessary.
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###Execute their responsibilities as designated by the Vice President.
###Execute their responsibilities as designated by the Vice President.
#A designated Committee Chair shall chair each committee.
#A designated Committee Chair shall chair each committee.
###Photograph chapter events and occasions with the purpose of documentation and/or preservation
=== Section D - Elections ===
=== Section D - Elections ===
#Time of elections
#Time of elections
##Elections shall be held in May.
##General elections shall be held in the second and third to last meetings of the spring term.
##Nominations shall be accepted starting three weeks prior to the election meeting.  
##Nominations shall be accepted starting three weeks prior to the first regular election meeting.  
##All nominations must be seconded and the member nominated must accept in order to be considered for office.
##All nominations must be seconded and the member nominated must accept in order to be considered for office.
##A candidate not elected to their nominated office may choose to run for another subsequent office without further nominations.
##Only Active or Associate members may vote in elections.
##Only Active or Associate members may vote in elections.
##The current President shall run elections.
##The order of election shall be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian-ARO.
##The order of election shall be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Correspondence Secretary, Historian, Alumni Secretary.
##The first meeting shall consist of the elections of the President and Vice President. The second meeting shall consist of the elections of the Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian-ARO.
##Elections shall be divided over two consecutive meetings.  The first meeting shall consist of the elections of the President and Vice President, and Recording Secretary and the second meeting shall consist of the elections of the Treasurer, Correspondence Secretary, Alumni Secretary, and Historian.
##In order to be eligible to run for office, candidates must have submitted materials within the time constraints defined by the current president.
##A candidate not elected to his/her nominated office may choose to run for another subsequent office without further nominations.
##The current President shall chair elections, unless they have been nominated for an office and shall vacate the chair during that office’s election.
##Elections shall be by ballot.
##Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the eligible voting membership of the organization.
##The member running for office must be present at the election meeting in order to be elected.
##The member running for office must be present at the election meeting in order to be elected.
##In the event that no candidate receives a majority vote, all candidates but the two (2) receiving the highest numbers of votes are eliminated.  A second round of voting shall immediately be held, and the non-eliminated candidate receiving a majority of votes shall be elected.
##Elections shall be by ballot. (Form of ballot shall be determined by the President and the Parliamentarian depending on the format of the meeting)
##Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the eligible voting membership of the organization. In the event that no option receives the said majority, all options but the two (2) receiving the highest pluralities of votes are eliminated.  A second round of voting shall immediately be held, and the option receiving a simple majority of votes shall be elected. The chair shall refrain from casting their vote during the second round of voting, to have the ability to act as a tiebreaker.
#Transition of officers
#Transition of officers
##The results shall be made known to the membership following the election of each office.
##The results shall be made known to the membership following the election of each office.
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##Only Active or Associate members may vote in recalls.
##Only Active or Associate members may vote in recalls.
##Following a second to the motion, a secret ballot shall be held to determine if the officer should be recalled.
##Following a second to the motion, a ballot shall be held to determine if the officer should be recalled.
##If seventy-five percent (75%) of the eligible voting membership votes in favor of recall, the officer is recalled from office, and a special election shall be held immediately to fill the vacancy.
##If seventy-five percent (75%) of the eligible voting membership votes in favor of recall, the officer is recalled from office, and a special election shall be held immediately to fill the vacancy.
##In the event that an elected officer position becomes vacant, a special election shall be held.
##In the event that an elected officer position becomes vacant, a special election shall be held. A special election shall not be scheduled for at least six days following the vacation.
###Nominations shall be held at the meeting in which the special election occurs.
###Nominations shall be held at the meeting in which the special election occurs.
###Elections shall be held immediately following the nominations.
###Elections shall be held immediately following the nominations.
###The term of a specially elected officer begins immediately following the election.
###The term of a specially elected officer begins immediately following the election.
###The specially elected officer shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer being replaced.
###The specially elected officer shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer being replaced.
###The Executive Council must appoint an acting officer as needed to fulfill the duties of a vacated position until a new officer is elected.
###In the event that the office of the President is vacated, the Vice President shall immediately assume all duties of the President until a new President is elected.
##In the event that an appointed officer position becomes vacant, the Executive Council shall meet to appoint a replacement for the vacant position.
##In the event that an appointed officer position becomes vacant, the Executive Council shall meet to appoint a replacement for the vacant position.
###The term of a specially appointed officer begins immediately following the appointment.
###The term of a specially appointed officer begins immediately following the appointment. The specially appointed officer shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer being replaced.
###The specially appointed officer shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer being replaced.
=== Section F - Special Conditions ===
=== Section F - Special Conditions ===
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#The Executive Officer’s term of office shall run until a full executive council can be reinstated or until the next regular election.  
#The Executive Officer’s term of office shall run until a full executive council can be reinstated or until the next regular election.  
#The Executive Officer shall be encouraged to delegate the responsibilities of the officers to the other members of the chapter, except that of the duties of the Treasurer.
#The Executive Officer shall be encouraged to delegate the responsibilities of the officers to the other members of the chapter, except that of the duties of the Treasurer.
=== Section G - Meetings ===
#The Executive Council should meet regularly in order to:
##Prepare issues of general concern to be brought before the chapter.
##Attempt to resolve member conflicts in the manner causing the least disruption to the work and brotherhood of the chapter.
##Make decisions on behalf of the chapter on questions which would require a simple majority vote and demand attention before the chapter is next able to meet.
##Enforce the Risk Management Policy.
#All elected and appointed officers of the chapter should meet quarterly in order to:
##Set short- and long-term goals for the chapter.
##Coordinate chapter planning and scheduling.
##Discuss methods to develop leadership among officers and the brotherhood.
== Article VII. Advisor ==
== Article VII. Advisor ==
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#Meetings shall be scheduled at least twice a month during the Fall, Winter and Spring quarter, barring months with Academic breaks within.
#Meetings shall be scheduled at least twice a month during the Fall, Winter and Spring quarter, barring months with Academic breaks within.
#Meetings shall not be scheduled over academic breaks unless otherwise decided upon by a majority vote.  
#Meetings shall not be scheduled over academic breaks unless otherwise decided upon by a majority vote.  
#Business cannot be conducted unless quorum and two (2) officers are present.
#Business cannot be conducted unless quorum (as stated in Section C) and two (2) officers are present.
#Meetings will be conducted by the President.
#Meetings will be conducted by the President.
#In the event that a meeting time must be moved and was not proposed before the meeting prior to the conflict, the meeting may still be moved through the online approval of the President, one (1) Executive Council member, and an online majority vote of fifty (50%) of the Active chapter members.
=== Section B - Special Meetings ===
=== Section B - Special Meetings ===
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=== Section C - Meeting Policies ===
=== Section C - Meeting Policies ===
#If an Active or Associate member is unable to attend a meeting, that member may proxy his/her vote to any other eligible voting member who is present at the meeting and who is not already acting as the proxy for another member.
#If an Active or Associate member is unable to attend a meeting, that member may proxy their vote to any other eligible voting member who is present at the meeting and who is not already acting as the proxy for another member.
#An Active or Associate member may only proxy for one absent member.
#An Active or Associate member may only proxy for one absent member.
#Robert’s Rules of Order shall be referred to for all parliamentary procedures not covered by these bylaws.
#Robert’s Rules of Order shall be referred to for all parliamentary procedures not covered by these bylaws.
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#The Band Social Committee
#The Band Social Committee
##Is responsible for the planning and execution of social events for the University Bands.
##Is responsible for carrying out social events catered specifically for the University band programs
#The Brotherhood Committee
#The Brotherhood Committee
##Is responsible for the planning and execution of activities that promote brotherhood.  
##Is responsible for the planning and execution of activities that promote brotherhood.
##Is responsible for enforcing brotherhood in the chapter.  
##Is responsible for creating a sense of brotherhood in the chapter.
#The Fundraising Committee
#The Fundraising Committee
##Is responsible for the planning and execution of fundraising projects.  
##Is responsible for the planning and execution of fundraising projects.
##Shall promote attendance in regards to fundraising projects.  
###Fundraising projects may benefit the university bands as well as other musical organizations at or near the chapter’s institution at the discretion of the chapter sponsor/ Director of Bands.
##Shall promote attendance in regards to fundraising projects.
#The Music Committee
#The Music Committee
##Is responsible for the planning and execution of musical activities.  
##Is responsible for promoting musicianship through projects that align with the purposes of Kappa Kappa Psi.
##Shall promote good musicality among the brothers.  
##Shall coordinate events catered to musicians of the chapter’s institution as well as local music programs and others at the discretion of the chapter sponsor/ Director of Bands
#The Ritual and Tradition Committee
##Shall work as a liaison between the chapter and the music department of the institution at which the chapter is located.
##Is responsible for the protection of the Rituals and Education of the Iota Pi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.
#The Promotions and Public Relations Committee (PaPR)
##Shall work with the Vice President and Sergeant At Arms in the planning and execution of education and the Ritual.  
##Will assign members to work with each of the above standing committees
##Is responsible for running the social media accounts of the fraternity
##Is responsible for the creation and distribution of the promotional material of each standing committee
##May coordinate with the Webmaster for any projects involving the chapter website
##Shall be chaired by the Correspondence Secretary
#The Ritual and Education Committee
##Is responsible for the protection and execution of the Rituals and Education of the Iota Pi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.
##Shall work with the Sergeant At Arms in the planning and execution of the Ritual.
##Shall present continuing membership education for full members of the chapter
##Shall lead chapter recruitment by working with other committees
##Shall be chaired by the Vice President.
#The Service Committee
#The Service Committee
##Is responsible for the planning and execution of service projects.
##Is responsible for proactively planning and executing service projects catered to the university band programs
#The Promotions and Public Relations Committee
##Shall work with leadership of the university bands to provide service upon request
##Is responsible for the development and continuance of community relations, and providing assistance toward the planning and execution of chapter projects and events to the public that align with the purposes of Kappa Kappa Psi.
##Shall create publications in mediums best fit for projects at hand, be in charge of running and protecting the sanctity our social media accounts, and produce new website content as necessary.
=== Section B - Special Committees ===
=== Section B - Special Committees ===
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#A chairperson shall be appointed by the President for each special committee.  
#A chairperson shall be appointed by the President for each special committee.  
#Special committees may be disbanded by the President when the committee’s function is no longer needed.
#Special committees may be disbanded by the President when the committee’s function is no longer needed.
#Certain special committees may be created and disbanded under special conditions without requiring the approval of the President.
##Bylaws Revision Committee
###May be created and disbanded by the parliamentarian.
###Review the chapter's bylaws and recommend amendments to the chapter.
###Review bylaw amendments proposed by members of the chapter and make recommendations on their adoption.
###Recommend amendments to the chapter's Standing Rules and Risk Management Policy documents.
##Logo and Flag (LAF)
###May be created and disbanded by the Historian.
###Assist the Historian in their maintenance duties.
###Review the chapter's current usage of logos and flags and create new logo and flag
###Create, update, and ensure compliance with usage standards for the chapter's logo and flag.
##Online Resources Committee (ORC)
###May be created and disbanded by the Webmaster.
###Assist the Webmaster in their maintenance duties.
###Review the chapter's current usage of online resources and make recommendations to improve their usefulness.
###Create, update, and ensure compliance with usage standards for the chapter's online resources.
== Article X. Finances ==
== Article X. Finances ==
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#Problems arising from the inability of a member to pay dues in the allotted time (not the willful non-payment of dues) shall be dealt with on an individual basis by the President, the Treasurer, and the Advisor/Sponsor. By one week past the dues’ deadline, a contract will be arranged between the Treasurer and this member for the full payment of dues.
#Problems arising from the inability of a member to pay dues in the allotted time (not the willful non-payment of dues) shall be dealt with on an individual basis by the President, the Treasurer, and the Advisor/Sponsor. By one week past the dues’ deadline, a contract will be arranged between the Treasurer and this member for the full payment of dues.
#No member of this chapter shall be compelled to accept Inactive status because of inability to pay dues without approval of a majority of the eligible voting membership.
#No member of this chapter shall be compelled to accept Inactive status because of inability to pay dues without approval of a majority of the eligible voting membership.
=== Section C - Annual Financial Report ===
#The organization should publish an annual report of its financial activity, which is prepared by the treasurer through the academic year. The treasurer will ensure completeness of this report throughout the entirety of their term. This report will be approved for publication by a simple majority vote at the first general meeting of the next academic year. This report will be posted on the website.
== Article XI. Discipline of Members ==
== Article XI. Discipline of Members ==
Line 357: Line 403:
#The membership shall review the hearing report, and the member accused of misconduct shall have an opportunity to rebut the information in the report. After providing a statement to the membership, the member accused of misconduct shall leave the room for the remainder of the deliberations.
#The membership shall review the hearing report, and the member accused of misconduct shall have an opportunity to rebut the information in the report. After providing a statement to the membership, the member accused of misconduct shall leave the room for the remainder of the deliberations.
#The membership shall vote first on whether the member has engaged in misconduct. If by a two-thirds vote, the membership shall then by a two-thirds vote, determine appropriate sanction(s). The accused member shall be immediately notified of the outcome.
#The membership shall follow discipline procedures outlined in the National Constitution of Kappa Kappa Psi.
#By two-thirds, the membership may reinstate a member who has been suspended or expelled.
== Article XII. Standing Rules ==
== Article XII. Standing Rules ==

Revision as of 16:52, 3 May 2024

California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo
Kappa Kappa Psi – Iota Pi Bylaws


Article I. Preamble

Section A

  1. This Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Fraternity for College Bandmembers, has been formed in order to provide service and assistance to the Cal Poly Bands.

Section B

  1. It is the intent of this organization to abide by pertinent State laws, University regulations and ASI policies.

Article II. Purpose

Section A - Purpose

  1. Be it known that Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Fraternity for College Bandmembers, is an organization operating exclusively in the field of the college and university bands, and for the following several purposes:
    1. To promote the existence and welfare of the college and university bands and to cultivate at large a wholesome respect for their activities and achievements.
    2. To honor outstanding bandmembers through privilege of membership extended as a reward for technical achievement and appreciation for the best in music.
    3. To stimulate campus leadership and promulgate an uncompromising respect through the medium of the college band for gracious conduct, good taste, and unswerving loyalty.
    4. To foster a close relationship between college bands and promote a high average of attainment by the performance of good music and selection of worthwhile projects.
    5. To provide a pleasant and helpful social experience for all engaged in college band work, and to cooperate with other musical organizations in any manner consistent with the purposes of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

Article III. Identification

Section A - Identity

  1. This organization, Chapter 232 of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Fraternity for College Bandmembers, located at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, shall be named Iota Pi as assigned by the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Section B - Affiliations

  1. Affiliations of this organization include:
    1. The Music Department of the College of Liberal Arts, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
    2. The Kappa Kappa Psi Western District
    3. The Kappa Kappa Psi National Chapter
    4. Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Band Sorority

Article IV. Membership

Section A - Membership Restrictions

  1. Only Active and Associate members may participate in meetings, be elected to office, vote, debate, or represent the organization.
  2. This organization or any of its members cannot conspire to commit any act which causes or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical or emotional harm to any member of the campus community.

Section B - Membership Requirements

  1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all those regularly-enrolled students who are interested in membership.
  2. This organization shall maintain a minimum of eight active members in order to establish and maintain University recognition.
  3. All active members have equal rights and privileges within the organization.
  4. Membership requirements and distinctions as stated here are in addition to the requirements in section 6.5 of the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.

Section C - Membership Classifications

  1. Active Membership
    1. Requirements
      1. Active members shall be registered students of this university.
      2. Active members shall be enrolled in the university band program for a minimum of two (2) quarters of the academic year. In the event of extenuating circumstances, an exception may be granted by the approval of the Director of Bands and Chapter Sponsor.
      3. Active members shall be formally initiated members of Kappa Kappa Psi.
      4. Active members shall follow the attendance policy in accordance with Article IV.
      5. Active members shall pay all fees and dues in accordance with Article X.
      6. Active members may be undergraduate or graduate students.
      7. Active members shall maintain a cumulative GPA above 2.0 for undergraduate students and above 3.0 for graduate students, and be considered in good standing with the chapter.
      8. In the event that an Active member fails to meet the above requirements, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member. The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings. Refer to Article IV, Section E.
  2. Inactive Membership
    1. Criteria
      1. Former Active or Associate members who are enrolled in school but do not pay member dues shall be classified as inactive members.
    2. Additional policies regarding Inactive membership will be in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
  3. Associate Membership
    1. Associate members shall:
      1. Be any active member in good standing of Tau Beta Sigma who transfers to another school with only a Kappa Kappa Psi chapter.
      2. Meet all requirements in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
      3. Have all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities related to Active status in the chapter.
    2. In the event that an Associate member fails to meet the above requirements, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member. The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings. Refer to Article IV, Section E.
  4. Conditional Membership
    1. Conditional members shall:
      1. Be formerly Active or Associate members who cannot, without undue hardship, continue to meet the requirements for Active or Associate status, respectively.
      2. Have submitted a letter three (3) days prior to making the motion to enter Conditional status to the Chapter President and Recording Secretary requesting Conditional status stating the specific reasons for the request and specifying a time at which conditional status will expire, which should be no later than the end of the academic year. Additionally, a letter to the chapter must be submitted three (3) days prior to the motion being made, though they may withhold certain information provided in the letter to the President and Recording Secretary. This request shall be proposed to the chapter for approval by a majority vote, and authorized by the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.
      3. At the discretion of the chapter, have the right to attend meetings, observe Ritual, participate in chapter activities, attend District events and/or meetings, and attend National Convention.
      4. Not vote, hold office, introduce business, or act in the capacity of a new Big Brother.
      5. Pay all fees and dues in accordance with Article X.
  5. Honorary Membership
    1. Honorary members shall be defined as per the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
  6. Alumni Membership
    1. Alumni members shall:
      1. Be defined as per the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
      2. Have all rights and privileges of Active or Associate membership except voting, introducing business, serving in the capacity of a new Big Brother, or holding office.
  7. Life Membership
    1. Life members shall:
      1. Meet all of the requirements of an Alumni member of this chapter.
      2. Upon payment of the set Life Membership contribution and submittal of a completed application to the National Headquarters, be entitled to Life Membership privileges, in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.

Section D - Initiation

  1. Guidelines for initiation and membership shall be in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
  2. A band member may be offered entry into the National Membership Education Program: The Road to Wisdom of the Fraternity after the satisfactory completion of one (1) term as a member of the college or university band unless exception is made by the Chapter Sponsor. The band member shall possess unusually good character and demonstrate leadership potential. (6.503)
  3. Eligible individuals shall be permitted entry into the Membership Education Program at the request of an active or associate member of the Fraternity. A negative vote of twenty-five (25) percent or five (5) members, whichever is greater, of the eligible active and associate membership shall be required to prevent a person from entering the Membership Education Program of the Fraternity. If a person is rejected on a second ballot in the same meeting, the name shall not be proposed again during the current academic year. (6.504)
  4. The process of initial voting shall be as follows:
    1. The entire applicant pool will be presented as one motion, the terms and criteria of the voting process will be discussed, then prior to discussion of any applicants, the motion will be divided on an individual basis.
    2. Once all initial voting is complete, there will be a time allotted to reconsider any applicants, and once the meeting adjourns the class may not be added to.
  5. After entry into the Membership Education Program, each membership candidate must receive a majority vote of the eligible voting membership and no more than twenty-five percent (25%) negative vote to continue in the Program. If a candidate is rejected on a first ballot, they may only receive one reconsideration. Such a reconsideration must take place during the same meeting as the first ballot.
  6. Prior to initiation, the membership candidate must receive a favorable vote of seventy-five (75) percent of the eligible voting membership and pay an initiation fee as determined by the National Chapter (refundable if not initiated) to the Chapter Treasurer. (6.505) If a candidate is rejected on a first ballot, they may only receive one reconsideration. Such a reconsideration must take place during the meeting as the first ballot.
  7. An Active or Associate member may, at any time, move to remove a membership candidate from the Membership Education Program. A favorable vote of twenty-five percent (25%) of the eligible voting membership shall be required to remove a candidate from the Membership Education Program. If said percentage is achieved, the vote shall be considered final after one reconsideration or at the end of the meeting that the result of the vote is announced, whichever is earlier.

Section E

  1. Guidelines for probation, suspension, and expulsion of Active members shall be in accordance with the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.

Section F - Attendance

  1. Attendance Policy
    1. All Active and Associate members are required to attend all general meetings, regularly scheduled meetings of the committee(s) to which they are assigned, Rituals, Retreats, district events hosted by the chapter, and any other Kappa Kappa Psi event specifically decided upon by the chapter as being mandatory events.
    2. In the event that an Active or Associate member is unable to attend any required event on time, it is the responsibility of that member to inform the President and Recording Secretary, and head(s) of the event for the absence in advance. Failure to notify the President and Recording Secretary of the absence at least 24 hours prior to the start of the event (except in case of emergency) shall automatically result in an unexcused absence.
    3. Tardiness or absence from a committee meeting shall be counted as half of a regular absence.
    4. Tardiness or leaving prior to to the end of one’s commitment at a required event shall be counted as half of a regular absence.
    5. Absence or tardiness during Ritual or elections shall be counted as twice the normal amount, with the exception of a special election. If a member leaves prior to the conclusion of an election this shall be counted as one (1) absence, with the exception of a special election.
    6. Absence from a mandatory chapter event such as district events hosted by our chapter, or any other event voted upon by the chapter or agreed upon by a vote in the Executive Council to require full chapter attendance shall result in two (2) absences on the first day the brother misses the event, followed by one (1) additional absence for each additional day missed. Any excused absences for those events must be addressed by a specified time indicated by the head(s) of the event, except in emergency situations.
    7. If a member misses, or is tardy to more than one required event in a single day, they shall only accumulate the amount of absences for the single event that is worth the greatest number of absences.
    8. The President and Recording Secretary shall review each absence and decide if the absence is excused or unexcused. If the Recording Secretary and the President cannot reach a consensus, the issue shall go to the chapter for discussion a vote.
    9. In the event that an Active or Associate member has three or more unexcused absences in any one quarter, probation proceedings shall be initiated against that member at the conclusion of the quarter. The Executive Council shall suggest the terms of probation at the beginning of the probation proceedings.

Section G - Risk Management

  1. All Active, Associate, and Conditional members shall follow all policies outlined in the Kappa Kappa Psi Risk Management Handbook.
  2. Each year, all Active, Associate, and Conditional members shall submit to the President a signed form stating that they agree to follow all Risk Management policies.

Article V. Nondiscrimination and Hazing

Section A - Discrimination

  1. There must be no membership discrimination or rules that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.

Section B - Hazing

  1. In regards to all conduct, including adherence to the prohibition of hazing and nondiscrimination, students organizations must operate within the laws of the State of California and the policies and procedures of the California Polytechnic State University and the Associated Students, Inc. as stated in the Campus Administrative Policies (CAP).
  2. This organization shall prohibit all members and officers from engaging in hazing or committing any act that injures, degrades, or disgraces any fellow student.
  3. This organization shall comply with Title 5, Section 41301, Standards for Student Conduct.

Article VI. Officers

Section A - Officer Requirements

  1. There must be a minimum of two officers on the charter at all times.
  2. Officers must have at least a 2.0 Cal Poly cumulative GPA at the time of nomination and election, and must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA while in office.
  3. Officers must be an Active member of this chapter in good standing at the time of nomination and election.
  4. Officers must serve for a period of one year.
  5. Officers must not be compensated.

Section B - Elected Officers

  1. The elected officers of the chapter, known as the Executive Council, shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian-ARO.
  2. Duties of officers shall be defined as per the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.
  3. All officers must maintain and update a Handbook for their respective office.
  4. President
    1. Duties:
      1. File the Chapter Renewal Application with ASI Club Services at the beginning of the year.
      2. Submit all forms required by Kappa Kappa Psi National Headquarters, the Western District of Kappa Kappa Psi, or ASI.
      3. Meet regularly with the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.
      4. Address any conflicts regarding Article IV attendance policies at the end of each quarter with the Recording Secretary
      5. Act as the chairperson for all general meetings.
      6. Submit articles for each District and National publication and notify the chapter of all publication deadlines.
      7. Notify the chapter of District and National awards and their application deadlines.
      8. Hold meetings of the Executive Council and the Leadership Committee as necessary.
  5. Vice President
    1. Duties:
      1. Be responsible for the chapter Member Education Program, including education, training and initiation of all membership candidates.
      2. Be responsible for the chapter Continuing-Membership Education Program.
      3. Be responsible for corresponding and submitting forms to Nationals.
      4. In the event the Sergeant-at-Arms is not appointed, the Vice President shall be responsible for the participation and execution of the Ritual and for the safekeeping of the Ritual and its secrets.
  6. Recording Secretary
    1. Duties:
      1. Take attendance in accordance with Article IV.
      2. Take minutes at all official Fraternity meetings. These minutes shall be distributed to the chapter in a timely manner, defined at the beginning of the quarter by the Recording Secretary.
      3. Maintain a permanent record of each member of the chapter including name, address, telephone number, email address, and chapter roster number.
      4. Address any conflicts regarding Article IV attendance policies at the end of each quarter.
  7. Treasurer
    1. Duties:
      1. Create a chapter budget at the beginning of the academic year and maintain it throughout the year.
      2. Present an updated budget for approval by the second meeting of every quarter.
      3. Document all funds spent and collected, and prepare an annual report of chapter financial activity.
      4. Ensure the chapter follows Article X correctly.
  8. Historian-ARO
    1. Duties:
      1. Update the chapter, band and school history documents on our internal and public resources including but not limited to the Google Drive and website.
      2. Provide information on chapter, band and school history when requested in education, creating projects, and submitting awards that require such knowledge of our past.
      3. Maintain any existing projects and archive event report sheets, photos, and other chapter documentation to facilitate chapter growth and recollection.
      4. Collect address and other applicable Alumni information for all members graduating or leaving the university.
      5. Supply Alumni information to Kappa Kappa Psi National Headquarters and any Alumni Associations pertinent to Iota Pi.
      6. Organize a Chapter Alumni Day and promote other Alumni activities.
      7. Act as the chapter photographer in the absence of an appointed photographer.

Section C - Appointed Officers

  1. Other officers shall be appointed by the Executive Council. They shall be appointed at the beginning of the term and approved by the Chapter Advisor/Sponsor.
  2. Webmaster
    1. Duties:
      1. Maintain the chapter website and email aliases.
      2. Convene the Online Resources Committee as necessary.
  3. Parliamentarian
    1. Duties:
      1. Maintain a thorough understanding of the chapter’s governing documents.
      2. Advise the chapter on matters of parliamentary procedure.
      3. Participate as an advisory non-voting member of the Executive Council.
      4. Tally votes taken by ballot.
      5. Convene the Bylaw Revision Committee as necessary.
  4. Sergeant-at-Arms
    1. Duties:
      1. Be responsible for the participation and execution of the Ritual and for the safekeeping of the Ritual and its secrets.
      2. Execute their responsibilities as designated by the Vice President.
  5. A designated Committee Chair shall chair each committee.
  6. Photographer
    1. Duties:
      1. Photograph chapter events and occasions with the purpose of documentation and/or preservation

Section D - Elections

  1. Time of elections
    1. General elections shall be held in the second and third to last meetings of the spring term.
  2. Nominations
    1. Nominations shall be accepted starting three weeks prior to the first regular election meeting.
    2. All nominations must be seconded and the member nominated must accept in order to be considered for office.
    3. A candidate not elected to their nominated office may choose to run for another subsequent office without further nominations.
  3. Voting
    1. Only Active or Associate members may vote in elections.
    2. The order of election shall be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian-ARO.
    3. The first meeting shall consist of the elections of the President and Vice President. The second meeting shall consist of the elections of the Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian-ARO.
    4. In order to be eligible to run for office, candidates must have submitted materials within the time constraints defined by the current president.
    5. The current President shall chair elections, unless they have been nominated for an office and shall vacate the chair during that office’s election.
    6. The member running for office must be present at the election meeting in order to be elected.
    7. Elections shall be by ballot. (Form of ballot shall be determined by the President and the Parliamentarian depending on the format of the meeting)
    8. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the eligible voting membership of the organization. In the event that no option receives the said majority, all options but the two (2) receiving the highest pluralities of votes are eliminated. A second round of voting shall immediately be held, and the option receiving a simple majority of votes shall be elected. The chair shall refrain from casting their vote during the second round of voting, to have the ability to act as a tiebreaker.
  1. Transition of officers
    1. The results shall be made known to the membership following the election of each office.
    2. New officers shall be installed at the last general meeting of the academic year.

Section E - Recall

  1. Recall Criteria
    1. In the event that an officer is not performing his/her duties, any Active or Associate member may make a motion to recall that officer.
  2. Voting
    1. Only Active or Associate members may vote in recalls.
    2. Following a second to the motion, a ballot shall be held to determine if the officer should be recalled.
    3. If seventy-five percent (75%) of the eligible voting membership votes in favor of recall, the officer is recalled from office, and a special election shall be held immediately to fill the vacancy.
  3. Vacancies
    1. In the event that an elected officer position becomes vacant, a special election shall be held. A special election shall not be scheduled for at least six days following the vacation.
      1. Nominations shall be held at the meeting in which the special election occurs.
      2. Elections shall be held immediately following the nominations.
      3. The term of a specially elected officer begins immediately following the election.
      4. The specially elected officer shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer being replaced.
      5. The Executive Council must appoint an acting officer as needed to fulfill the duties of a vacated position until a new officer is elected.
      6. In the event that the office of the President is vacated, the Vice President shall immediately assume all duties of the President until a new President is elected.
    2. In the event that an appointed officer position becomes vacant, the Executive Council shall meet to appoint a replacement for the vacant position.
      1. The term of a specially appointed officer begins immediately following the appointment. The specially appointed officer shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer being replaced.

Section F - Special Conditions

  1. In the event that the chapter’s membership falls below seven (7) Active and Associate members, the chapter shall elect an Executive Officer to replace the Executive Council.
  2. The Executive Officer shall be responsible for carrying out all of the above officers’ duties.
  3. The Executive Officer’s title shall be President.
  4. The Executive Officer’s term of office shall run until a full executive council can be reinstated or until the next regular election.
  5. The Executive Officer shall be encouraged to delegate the responsibilities of the officers to the other members of the chapter, except that of the duties of the Treasurer.

Section G - Meetings

  1. The Executive Council should meet regularly in order to:
    1. Prepare issues of general concern to be brought before the chapter.
    2. Attempt to resolve member conflicts in the manner causing the least disruption to the work and brotherhood of the chapter.
    3. Make decisions on behalf of the chapter on questions which would require a simple majority vote and demand attention before the chapter is next able to meet.
    4. Enforce the Risk Management Policy.
  2. All elected and appointed officers of the chapter should meet quarterly in order to:
    1. Set short- and long-term goals for the chapter.
    2. Coordinate chapter planning and scheduling.
    3. Discuss methods to develop leadership among officers and the brotherhood.

Article VII. Advisor

Section A - Duties of the Advisor

  1. Oversees the organization.
  2. Ensures the University policy is followed.
  3. Provides continuity from year to year and during transition periods.
  4. Assists in developing and reaching the organization’s short and long term goals. And provides guidance to help reach those goals.
  5. Encourages leadership and group development.
  6. Oversees the expenditures of the organization, including the planning of the budget, and the monitoring of financial reports.
  7. Reviews and approves paperwork, such as E-Plans, PRFs, Cash Securities Forms, etc., in a timely manner.
  8. Provides oversight to protect the safety of students and the interests of the University.

Section B - Advisor Requirements

  1. The advisor must be a California Polytechnic State University faculty or staff member.
  2. The advisor shall be approved in advance by his/her respective department chair and Dean and by the Director of Bands.
  3. The advisor shall operate under the authority of the Director of Bands.

Article VIII. Meetings

Section A - Regular Meetings

  1. Meetings shall be scheduled at least twice a month during the Fall, Winter and Spring quarter, barring months with Academic breaks within.
  2. Meetings shall not be scheduled over academic breaks unless otherwise decided upon by a majority vote.
  3. Business cannot be conducted unless quorum (as stated in Section C) and two (2) officers are present.
  4. Meetings will be conducted by the President.
  5. In the event that a meeting time must be moved and was not proposed before the meeting prior to the conflict, the meeting may still be moved through the online approval of the President, one (1) Executive Council member, and an online majority vote of fifty (50%) of the Active chapter members.

Section B - Special Meetings

  1. Special Meetings may be called by an officer and a vote of fifty percent (50%) of the eligible voting membership of the organization.
  2. All members must be given at least forty-eight (48) hours notice prior to the meeting time.

Section C - Meeting Policies

  1. If an Active or Associate member is unable to attend a meeting, that member may proxy their vote to any other eligible voting member who is present at the meeting and who is not already acting as the proxy for another member.
  2. An Active or Associate member may only proxy for one absent member.
  3. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be referred to for all parliamentary procedures not covered by these bylaws.
  4. Quorum shall be fifty percent (50%) of the Active and Associate membership.
  5. Quorum shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the Active and Associate membership during any meeting containing an election or membership vote, with the exception of a special election.

Article IX. Committees

Section A - Standing Committees

  1. The Band Social Committee
    1. Is responsible for carrying out social events catered specifically for the University band programs
  2. The Brotherhood Committee
    1. Is responsible for the planning and execution of activities that promote brotherhood.
    2. Is responsible for creating a sense of brotherhood in the chapter.
  3. The Fundraising Committee
    1. Is responsible for the planning and execution of fundraising projects.
      1. Fundraising projects may benefit the university bands as well as other musical organizations at or near the chapter’s institution at the discretion of the chapter sponsor/ Director of Bands.
    2. Shall promote attendance in regards to fundraising projects.
  4. The Music Committee
    1. Is responsible for promoting musicianship through projects that align with the purposes of Kappa Kappa Psi.
    2. Shall coordinate events catered to musicians of the chapter’s institution as well as local music programs and others at the discretion of the chapter sponsor/ Director of Bands
    3. Shall work as a liaison between the chapter and the music department of the institution at which the chapter is located.
  5. The Promotions and Public Relations Committee (PaPR)
    1. Will assign members to work with each of the above standing committees
    2. Is responsible for running the social media accounts of the fraternity
    3. Is responsible for the creation and distribution of the promotional material of each standing committee
    4. May coordinate with the Webmaster for any projects involving the chapter website
    5. Shall be chaired by the Correspondence Secretary
  6. The Ritual and Education Committee
    1. Is responsible for the protection and execution of the Rituals and Education of the Iota Pi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.
    2. Shall work with the Sergeant At Arms in the planning and execution of the Ritual.
    3. Shall present continuing membership education for full members of the chapter
    4. Shall lead chapter recruitment by working with other committees
    5. Shall be chaired by the Vice President.
  7. The Service Committee
    1. Is responsible for proactively planning and executing service projects catered to the university band programs
    2. Shall work with leadership of the university bands to provide service upon request

Section B - Special Committees

  1. Special committees shall be created as needed by the President.
  2. A chairperson shall be appointed by the President for each special committee.
  3. Special committees may be disbanded by the President when the committee’s function is no longer needed.
  4. Certain special committees may be created and disbanded under special conditions without requiring the approval of the President.
    1. Bylaws Revision Committee
      1. May be created and disbanded by the parliamentarian.
      2. Review the chapter's bylaws and recommend amendments to the chapter.
      3. Review bylaw amendments proposed by members of the chapter and make recommendations on their adoption.
      4. Recommend amendments to the chapter's Standing Rules and Risk Management Policy documents.
    2. Logo and Flag (LAF)
      1. May be created and disbanded by the Historian.
      2. Assist the Historian in their maintenance duties.
      3. Review the chapter's current usage of logos and flags and create new logo and flag
      4. projects.
      5. Create, update, and ensure compliance with usage standards for the chapter's logo and flag.
    3. Online Resources Committee (ORC)
      1. May be created and disbanded by the Webmaster.
      2. Assist the Webmaster in their maintenance duties.
      3. Review the chapter's current usage of online resources and make recommendations to improve their usefulness.
      4. Create, update, and ensure compliance with usage standards for the chapter's online resources.

Article X. Finances

Section A - Requirements

  1. Funds must be administered through the UU Epicenter and within ASI policies and procedures.
  2. No club funds can be used towards the purchase of alcohol.
  3. The Advisor or Dean listed on the current club Charter must sign all requests for payment.
  4. A club officer with financial authorization on the current club Charter must sign all requests for payment.
  5. Club officers are not authorized to sign their own reimbursement request(s).
  6. All monies shall be received and expended by the chapter Treasurer or President.

Section B - Dues

  1. The organization shall annually collect dues from the Active, Associate, and Conditional membership by October 8th or, upon initiation, collect dues from newly Active members by the date of full initiation.
  2. The annual dues collected shall consist of two parts: the first part required by the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi, and the second to be set aside for the chapter’s general fund. The amount of the second part shall be determined by a simple majority vote at the second general meeting of the fall quarter.
  3. The initiation dues collected shall consist of two parts: the first part required by the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi, and the second to be set aside for the chapter’s general fund. The amount of the second part shall be determined by a simple majority vote, prior to initiation.
  4. Problems arising from the inability of a member to pay dues in the allotted time (not the willful non-payment of dues) shall be dealt with on an individual basis by the President, the Treasurer, and the Advisor/Sponsor. By one week past the dues’ deadline, a contract will be arranged between the Treasurer and this member for the full payment of dues.
  5. No member of this chapter shall be compelled to accept Inactive status because of inability to pay dues without approval of a majority of the eligible voting membership.

Section C - Annual Financial Report

  1. The organization should publish an annual report of its financial activity, which is prepared by the treasurer through the academic year. The treasurer will ensure completeness of this report throughout the entirety of their term. This report will be approved for publication by a simple majority vote at the first general meeting of the next academic year. This report will be posted on the website.

Article XI. Discipline of Members

Section A - Complaints

  1. All complaints alleging violations of the Student Conduct Code, Title 5, section 41301, et seq., shall be investigated pursuant to Executive Order 1073 and/or 1074 (in cases involving allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on protected status). Investigations and other proceedings under Executive Orders 1073 and 1074 shall be conducted by campus administration, not student organizations, and this organization shall refer any complaints alleging subject matters covered by Executive Orders 1073 and 1074 to the campus Vice President for Student Affairs or other designee for investigation and resolution.
  2. Complaints may also be brought to the attention of Student Life & Leadership. A written charge may be filed with Student Life & Leadership. Student Life & Leadership shall review the charges and may conduct a preliminary investigation if deemed appropriate. If the preliminary investigation concludes that misconduct appears to have occurred, Student Life & Leadership shall conduct a hearing on the matter. The member alleged to have engaged in the misconduct shall be given at least 72 hours’ notice of the hearing and be given an opportunity to present a defense. Student Life & Leadership shall determine whether misconduct occurred. If it determines that misconduct did occur, Student Life & Leadership shall prepare a report to the membership of its findings and recommended sanctions, which may include expulsion, suspension, or lesser sanction(s) including, but not limited to, a reprimand, removal from office, a fine or corrective remedies.

Section B - Voting

  1. The membership shall review the hearing report, and the member accused of misconduct shall have an opportunity to rebut the information in the report. After providing a statement to the membership, the member accused of misconduct shall leave the room for the remainder of the deliberations.
  2. The membership shall follow discipline procedures outlined in the National Constitution of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Article XII. Standing Rules

Section A - Standing Rule Procedures

  1. Standing Rules may be created by a simple majority vote.
  2. They may be suspended by a simple majority vote.
  3. They may be amended or rescinded by a two-thirds majority vote.

Article XIII. Amendments

Section A - Amendment Procedures

  1. Proposed amendments or changes to these bylaws shall be presented to the chapter in writing at least one week before a formal vote is taken.
  2. Approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible voting membership at a regularly scheduled meeting shall pass a proposed change.

Section B - Policies

  1. Amendments to the Kappa Kappa Psi Risk Management Handbook shall follow the same amendment procedures as amendments to these bylaws.
  2. Amendments must be approved by the Student Life and Leadership Department before becoming effective.

Article XIV. Conflict

Section A

  1. These bylaws shall be in accordance with the ASI Bylaws and Codes and the policies of the University.

Section B

  1. In the event of conflict or discrepancy, it is the intent of this organization to abide by the rules and regulations established in the Kappa Kappa Psi Western District Constitutions and the Kappa Kappa Psi National Constitution.