This page contains the annual spendings of the Iota Pi chapter.
Spending Reports 2021-2022 Overall Category Expense Income Net Band Social -$687.69 $0.00 -$687.69 Fundraising $0.00 $1,421.37 $1,421.37 Music -$255.66 $0.00 -$255.66 Service -$684.03 $0.00 -$684.03 Internal -$5,700.38 $4,950.00 -$750.38 Total -$ 7,327.76$6,371.37 -$956.39
Band Social Category Expense Income Net Band Events -$267.49 $0.00 -$267.49 End of Quarter BBQs -$420.20 $0.00 -$420.20 Total -$687.69 $0.00 -$687.69
Fundraising Category Expense Income Net SWAG $0.00 $782.00 $782.00 Penny Wars $0.00 $495.00 $495.00 Other Fundraisers $0.00 $144.37 $144.37 Total $0.00 $1,421.37 $1,421.37
Music Category Expense Income Net Wind Bands Social Events -$179.24 $0.00 -$179.24 Goodie Bags -$53.61 $0.00 -$53.61 Miscellaneous -$22.81 $0.00 -$22.81 Total -$255.66 $0.00 -$255.66
Service Category Expense Income Net WOW Band Breakfast -$470.62 $0.00 -$470.62 Mustang Band Survival Guides -$213.41 $0.00 -$213.41 Total -$684.04 $0.00 -$684.04
Internal Category Expense Income Net Retreats -$959.14 $0.00 -$959.14 Holiday Cards -$96.64 $0.00 -$96.64 Website Maintenance -$30.99 $0.00 -$30.99 Dues -$3,995.00 $4,500.00 $505.00 Sponsorship $0.00 $450.00 $450.00 Misc -$618.91 $0.00 -$618.91 Total -$5,700.38 $4,950.00 -$750.38
2020-2021 Overall Category Expense Income Net Band Social -$55.00 $0.00 -$55.00 Fundraising -$190.02 $876.83 $686.81 Music -$163.79 $0.00 -$163.79 Internal -$4,690.98 $5,890.00 $1,199.02 Total -$5,099.79 $6,766.83 $1,667.04
Band Social Category Expense Income Net Band Events -$55.00 $0.00 -$55.00 Total -$55.00 $0.00 -$55.00
Fundraising Category Expense Income Net SWAG $0.00 $553.14 $553.14 Other Fundraisers -$190.02 $323.69 $133.67 Total -$190.02 $876.83 $686.81
Music Category Expense Income Net Music Events -$15.00 $0.00 -$15.00 Concert Goodie Bags -$100.94 $0.00 -$100.94 Band Leadership Conference -$47.85 $0.00 -$47.85 Total -$163.79 $0.00 -$163.79
Internal Category Expense Income Net Dues -$4,525,00 $5,390.00 $865.00 Sponsorship $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 Misc -$165.98 $0.00 -$165.98 Total -$4,690.98 $5,890.00 $1,199.02
2019-2020 Overall Category Expense Income Net Band Social -$428.90 $0.00 -$428.90 Fundraising -$1,961.96 $4,096.54 $2,134.58 Service -$1,850.91 $0.00 -$1,850.91 Internal -$6,001.62 $5,420.00 -$581.62 Total -$10,243.39 $9,516.54 -$726.85
Band Social Category Expense Income Net Receptions -$72.00 $0.00 -$72.00 Band Events -$252.90 $0.00 -$252.90 BBQs -$104.00 $0.00 -$104.00 Total -$428.90 $0.00 -$428.90
Fundraising Category Expense Income Net SWAG -$1,657.87 $2,234.00 $576.13 Profit Shares $0.00 $659.00 $659.00 Penny Wars -$195.00 $734.54 $539.54 Other Fundraisers -$109.08 $469.00 $359.92 Total -$1,961.96 $4,096.54 $2,134.58
Service Category Expense Income Net Mustang Band Survival Guides -$200.63 $0.00 -$200.63 Goodie Bags -$119.42 $0.00 -$119.42 Percussion Ramp -$30.86 $0.00 -$30.86 Band Jackets -$1,500.00 $0.00 -$1,500.00 Total -$1,850.91 $0.00 -$1,850.91
Internal Category Expense Income Net Dues -$5,455.00 $4,970.00 -$485.00 Sponsorship $0.00 $450.00 $450.00 Retreats -$297.64 $0.00 -$297.64 Misc -$248.98 $0.00 -$248.98 Total -$6,001.62 $5,420.00 -$581.62
2018-2019 Overall Category Expense Income Net Band Social -$621.23 $0.00 -$621.23 Fundraising -$407.98 $3,747.92 $3,339.94 Music -$826.68 $340.00 -$486.68 Service -$2,523.12 $1,735.00 -$788.12 Internal -$9,549.44 $10,140.00 $590.56 Total -$13,928.45 $15,962.92 $2,034.47
Band Social Category Expense Income Net Receptions -$393.25 $0.00 -$393.25 Band Events -$112.49 $0.00 -$112.49 BBQs -$115.49 $0.00 -$115.40 Total -$621.23 $0.00 -$621.23
Fundraising Category Expense Income Net SWAG -$229.79 $1,413.00 $1,183.21 Profit Shares $0.00 $253.33 $253.33 Penny Wars -$110.00 $1,434.59 $1,324.59 Other Fundraisers -$68.19 $647.00 $578.81 Total -$407.98 $3,747.92 $3,339.94
Music Category Expense Income Net Earplugs -$530.00 $210.00 -$320.00 Drumline Clinic -$154.65 $100.00 -$54.65 Big Band Bash -$120.59 $30.00 -$90.59 Misc -$21.44 $0.00 -21.44 Total -$826.68 $340.00 -$486.68
Service Category Expense Income Net Band Booth -$71.79 $0.00 -$71.79 Uniform Shelves -$50.00 $0.00 -$50.00 WOW Band Breakfast -$136.43 $0.00 -$136.43 HS Night Shirts -$1,706.21 $1,735.00 $28.79 Mustang Band Survival Guides -$161.38 $0.00 -$161.38 Section Bags -$15.00 $0.00 -$15.00 Service Event Food -$40.00 $0.00 -$40.00 Percussion Ramp -$260.03 $0.00 -$260.03 Misc -$82.28 $0.00 -$82.28 Total -$2,523.12 $1,735.00 -$788.12
Internal Category Expense Income Net Dues -$6,605.00 $8,120.00 $1,515.00 Donations $0.00 $900.00 $900.00 Sponsorship $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 Retreats -$995.69 $0.00 -$995.69 Yearbooks -$926.32 $620.00 -$306.32 Misc -$1,022.43 $0.00 -$1,022.43 Total -$9,549.44 $10,140.00 $590.56